Bea Sanchez De Lamadrid Bayon


Spanish, 1997

Thesis: DISTANCIAS CORTAS. A Tool Box For Performance Practice And Reflection

Gaze is a performance that explores attraction, sensuality, and frustration through the phenomenon of looking and other senses such as touch and taste. Each performer brings a different personality, examining these concepts from different perspectives, creating an intersection and relationship between them.
The installation that accompanies this performance is called Public Intimacy, where you are inside a set designed for observation and exposure at the same time. Here, you can meet and encounter the characters of this performance when the piece is not going on.
In public spaces, we experience dual roles: we are both the observer and part of the public, the audience and the performers. We take and we give, much like breathing in and out - just being. This duality of being is a gift we give to ourselves and others.
My aim is to bring the intimate to the public. I consider intimacy a way of listening, a way of looking and gazing. When we are listening ourself we are intimate with ourselves. Listening is a way of reading that can be done not only with the ears but with the touch, the smell, the taste and the looking. Through this performance, I explore the intersection of being intimate with ourselves and those around us. Something will come and I will be open to feel it. Being in the space and being able to read it makes me be more present. Depending how you sense this “otherness” the experiences and feelings will be different. Is different experience to bite and taste a fruit with the skin than without skin, like is a different thing to look at you from far than from close.
Bitna Youn
Renzo Popolizio
Alla Kravchenko
Wiktoria Kołcon
dengling levine
Léa Cuvelier
Antonio Maza
Costume Assistant:
Dain Park
Léa Cuvelier