Logan Hon Mua


The performative opera “I too, will neither slumber nor sleep” by Logan Hon Mua explores the duality between queerness and religion. The conflict these two realms generates within them is explored through a queer choir and performers, who are intertwining gradually with their bodies and voices. The melting of religious postures with electronic grounding sounds, and movements stemming from repression and trauma, welcoming conflict as well as union.
Logan Hon Mua wants to express their position as a queer religious person and the lifelong work they believe this position requires.
Through installation they want to illuminate and illustrate this position, inviting the audience to experience what they might not live themselves. Encouraging them to move in-between levels and beliefs.
The opaque structures and liquid-like speakers points to times of transformation. A place of in-between where shapes are enabled to take on other forms and seemingly separated spaces can coexist in relation to each other.
Logan Hon Mua includes in their work fragments of bible verses nightly revisited. They let these lyrics grow and transpire from their guilted roots, using rewriting as a way of reparation and respiration.
The work as a whole frames the preparation of both long awaited endings and redemptive new beginnings.
“I grew up as a Christian, those verses were always in my head, now I revisit them as a queer person” Logan Hon Mua
Text written by Carla Wessung