Extra Intra is a website initiated by the Editorial Board Intercurricular Programs of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie/Sandberg Instituut & provides an overview of previous/present small-scale intercurricular programs & their events, as well as various publications/topics addressed by these initiatives, ie: Decolonisation; Research; Listening; Uncertainty; Embodiment; Relationality; Future Pedagogy; Future Commons; Future of Materialisation; Future Art and Design Economies; Ecology; Technology; Philosophy; Politics and Future Feminism.
Visit www.extraintra.nl for more
Future Practices
Future Practices is the title of the multi-year framework within which the editorial board works in the coming years. With this framework the editorial board aims to stimulate interest in interdisciplinary and trans-departmental collaborations in connection with and in preparation for the professional practices in the future. It raises questions such as: where is the potential of the intercurricular programs in relation to future (art) education? What does studio practice and material research look like in the future and what role do the workshops play in this? How are students prepared for a field that is constantly evolving? How do they want to manifest themselves after their studies? Future practices concerns students and teachers from all departments.
11 topics
Within the framework of Future Practices, the editorial board has decided to focus on ten topics:
Embodiment; Relationality; Future Pedagogy; Future Commons; Future of Materialisation; Future art and design economies; Ecology; Technology; Philosophy; Future Politics and Future Feminism.
On this website the editorial board will publish content in relation to these ten topics, in collaboration with actors inside and outside the academy.
The aim of the intercurricular platforms is to add an enriching (extra) layer of content, without supplanting regular education. An intercurricular platform stimulates interdisciplinary and trans-departmental cooperation and/or establishes links with actors outside the academy, through projects in which cooperation, self-organisation, research and new ways of working are central.
The editorial board aims to provoke new ways of collaboration, between students and teachers, departments, workshops and departments etc, manifested in the new intercurricular platforms as well as on this website.
Editorial Board
Members of the Editorial Board: Joram Kraaijeveld (chair), Ea Polman, Ben Zegers, Jurgen Bey, Jorinde Seydel, Nell Schwan, Luca Heydt, Tessa Verheul.
Quality Agreements
Intercurricular education is one of the eight goals that the Gerrit Rietveld Academie has formulated as part of the Dossier Quality Agreements 2019-2024. In the process of defining the eight goals, the Board and the MR invited students and staff to share ideas and wishes for the future, for instance during the Academy Assembly in November 2018. There has been a noticeable interest for interdisciplinary and trans-departmental collaborations.
The Quality Agreements budget offers the possibility to invest in intercurricular education until 2024.