Welcome to the Helpful Resources page. Here we collect helpful resources that might come in handy when thinking about funding your artistic work.


Kunstenaarshonorarium - Guideline for Artists Fees

The aim of the following guideline is to pay artists for the work they do for the purpose of exhibitions and other presentations, apart from their expense allowance. The guideline helps both artists and institutes and museums. Everyone who works within visual art, as an artist, institute, commissioner or as a representative of the sector, can make use of the calculation model and the checklist, which form part of the guideline. To this end, an online calculator has been developed. This calculator computes the minimum fee per artist per exhibition, depending on the duration of the exhibition, the number of participating artists, and the question whether it is a new or existing artwork that is presented. For any situation, the calculator computes the minimum amount from which negotiations can be reasonably conducted.

(From the perspective of an Artist)

Take care when choosing an Existing Work or Modification To Existing Work category in group exhibitions, as the first rate is hardly acceptable. Remember that you always adapt your artwork to a new environment where you exhibit it.

Newsletter - Fondsen Update! by Kunsten Bond

In this trimonthly newsletter, you will find an overview of funds relevant to the cultural and creative sector. 

Kunsten Bond is a union for artists from all disciplines. We fight for the interests of artists and believe that joined forces can make real things happen for the future prospects of our occupation. Artists deserve good prospects and fair income. Professional work should be rewarded at professional rates. You and everyone you work for should recognize the value of creative work.

A step-to-step road map for Grand Application by Kunsten Bond

Membership required - starts from 12,50 per month

A great idea for a creative project, but not enough resources to get it going? A grant can offer the solution! There are quite a number of funds in the Netherlands that provide grants for cultural projects, for example, the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, the Mondriaan fonds for visual artists or Sena Performers Muziekproductiefonds for musicians.

De Kunstenbond has developed a step-to-step road map for her members, which contains inside information and basic rules for writing a grant application, so that you have a better chance of standing out and being eligible for a grant.

Secret PDFs with guidelines for fund applications

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