Esther Rzewnicki


Belgium, 2001 @estherrzew

Thesis: as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate, chaste, matured

The High Tech Electric Body Shop and DSDS (Dynamic Smile Display Sign) recognise objects in the public space with their own autonomy. Vehicles and signs begin to embody themselves and obtain the authority to control movement and behaviour.

The High Tech Electric Body Shop upgrades vehicles with their own sensitivity. On a playground for their newly discovered bodies, the vehicles explore new ways to manoeuvre through the public space. In a dance with each other new perspectives are born. The moving and static surroundings begin to synthesise with the vehicles and become part of a common choreography.

DSDS is comprised of two signs pointing at the exposure to signs and symbols in our everyday lives. It highlights the interactivity between person and sign, an often automated occurrence. DSDS utilises the language which manipulates behaviour, digging into the subconscious in order to control movement and behaviour.
What level of authority does the language of street signs stand on? How much does it guide you and how much does it control you?