Rietveld Review(ed) is part of the side programming of the Rietveld Academie’s Graduation Show. 

Rietveld Review(ed) 2024

An interesting addition to the 2024 Graduation Show side programming is the fourth edition of Rietveld Review(ed). The academy invites external experts from the world of art and design to visit and reflect on the exhibition. The academy invites external experts from the world of art and design to visit and reflect on the exhibition. What are striking tendencies and themes this graduation year? The reflection report will offer visitors depth in their exhibition visit.

Previous edition: 2023

Download the reflection report 2023 (pdf) here and go to the Rietveld Review(ed) 2023 page for a recording of the public talk by Ja ja ja nee nee nee and more info.

Previous edition: 2022

Download the reflection report 2022 (pdf) here and go to the Rietveld Review(ed) 2022 page for a recording of the public talk by Ja ja ja nee nee nee and more info.

Previous edition: 2021

Download the reflection report 2021 (pdf) here.

And find here more about the podcast, video portraits, RietveldTV episodes and Eight Cubic Meters exhibitions.

Previous edition: 2020

The first series of video portraits were launched as part of SELECTED 2020. You can watch the video portraits of 2020 here.

Rietveld Review(ed) is initiated to carry on the reflective qualities of Gerrit Rietveld Academie Awards (GRA Awards). The GRA Awards that were given each year to remarkable graduates are discontinued since 2021. More information and previous winners can be found here.