The Berlagefonds is the school fund of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. It supports students when they really need it. With this fund, the Academie finances extra endeavours and special investments and expenses that are not or only partly subsidised by the government. 

How does it work?

Students can apply for funding in several ways. Each year, €6,000 is made available for final examination projects. The student dean also has an amount from the school fund at her disposal, which she can use to provide a small amount of financial support to individual students. 


In addition to the required tuition fees, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie asks all students to contribute €50 to the Berlagefonds. The profit from merchandise sold during the annual Graduation Show also goes to the fund.

Would you like to financially contribute to individual projects and the education provided at the Academie? Donations to the Berlagefonds are particularly welcome. You can transfer your contribution to: IBAN NL76 INGB 0656 9109 76, in the name of Berlagefonds, Amsterdam.

Examples of final examination projects that were partly enabled by the Berlagefonds include: