Feb. 12 Leave Sick Leave; Resting Museum, with a foreword by Pernilla Manjula Phillip (Curated by CtC)
Theory Stairs, 2:00-3:30 PM; moderator Menko Dijksterhuis
“Sick” as an adjective so universally used for degeneration is also repurposed in English slang to mean, ‘cool’ or ‘amazing’. In this lecture, Resting Museum, will be deliberating upon several interconnected ideas from their art and research practices, particularly of the term ‘sickness’ in contexts of culture, institutional labour, and protest. This also draws from Shreyasi and Priyanka’s experience as an archivist in a design archive, and pedagogue at a research university, respectively. Resting Museum is interested in ableisms, both linguistically and infrastructurally, and the formation of certain ‘publics’ physically and virtually through practices of sitting, resting, and participating together.
walking; waiting; archives; time; sickness; spine; disqualification; design; doom; access ; assess; orthopaedics; posture.
Resting Museum is an India-based artist duo of Priyanka D’Souza (she/her) and Shreyasi Pathak (they/them), using rest, queerness and disability as methodology in their art and curatorial practices. They use crip humour as a form of institutional and infrastructure critique to intervene in art and design history discourse and archives. They have exhibited in solo and group shows at Shrine Empire, Delhi, Root Division, San Francisco, Unit London, and Serendipity Arts Festival ‘23, Goa.
Pernilla Manjula Philip explores questions around chronic illness in relation to the medical industry. Her work, rooted in lived experience, serves as a testbed for exploring vulnerabilities and strengths of the collective powers of DIY and open-source approaches to medical management. She aims to raise questions about who has access to knowledge and the diverse perspectives on safety. Next to her artistic practice she is a regular guest teacher at Sandberg Institute and Gerrit Rietveld Academie, a member of coop Hackers & Designers and a founding member of Crip The Curriculum.