Image: Project by Rietveld alum Ruben Janssen at Dutch Design Week 2023, Sophia Xu
Rietveld Academie (Public & Projects) is collaborating this year again with the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven to present Rietveld graduates who graduated in 2024. The Dutch Design Week takes this year place from 19 October until 27 October 2024.
Dutch Design Week (DDW) is all about the design of the future and the future of design. DDW opens up, inspires, shares and connects. During the nine-day event, Eindhoven is completely dedicated to design and covers all possible disciplines and aspects of design. The emphasis is on expertise and talent, experiment, innovation and crossovers. Dutch Design Week is also the platform where we analyse and discuss the design profession as a whole.
This year, Rietveld Academie is - like last year - part of the group exhibition ‘Class of 24’. In this exhibition graduation projects are presented from various Dutch and international academies within design related courses as a whole. The exhibition's goal is to emphasise the importance of education and to give the next generation of designers centre stage to a bigger audience during Dutch Design Week.
Practical information in short
- Who can apply: Rietveld graduates who graduated in the year 2024
- When: Dutch Design Week takes place from 19 October - 27 October 2024
- When to build up: Between 14 - 18 October 2024, exact days and time to be determined
- When to dismantle: 28 October
- Deadline Call for applications: 2 September 2024
Send to: projects@rietveldacademie.nl attn. Vere van Hal, please include in the title of your email Dutch Design Week (or DDW).
More info on what we can offer you and what to include in your application here