By bike

‘t Zonnehuis is a 5-minute bike ride from the NDSM wharf. During peak hours, a ferry to NDSM wharf leaves every 15 minutes from behind Amsterdam Central Station. The last ferry back to Amsterdam Central Station leaves at 23:30.

By public transport

From Amsterdam CS, take the Noord/Zuidlijn (Metro 52 towards Station Noord). Get off at metro station Noorderpark. From this station, take bus 35 towards Molenwijk. Get off at the Maanstraat stop. This stop is a 3-minute walk from ‘t Zonnehuis.

By car

Coming from the Coentunnel/A10, take exit S118, Tuindorp Oostzaan. Turn right here. At the traffic lights, turn right onto Molenaarsweg. This merges into the Cornelis Douwesweg. At the 1st roundabout, go three-quarters and turn onto Kometensingel. At the 3rd street turn right, this is the Meteorenweg. Then take the 7th street on the left, which is Zonneweg. You will then drive up to ‘t Zonnehuis.

Parking - Parking is free on the Meteorenweg. However, we cannot guarantee you a parking spot. We therefore advise you to arrive by bike or public transportation.


‘t Zonnehuis has a separate level entry that is easily accessible to people with disabilities. An accessible toilet is present.