Izzy Lee


South Korea, 1996

izzy-lee.com @izzzyyeon_lee


Thesis: Flâneuse with an Alien Lens

A tale has thrived in a world where whispers carry more weight than truth. It is a buzz about an enigmatic female alien, cast aside by society, its possible existence feeding into countless rumors. Her otherworldly appearance spreads fear and mistrust...
‘Go Tell It to the Mountain’ follows a mystery about a bird-woman living in the deep in the forest. The mountain serves as a backdrop where rumors are shaped, distorted and reborn. Whispers weave a narrative that grows on its own.
Rumors nurture this creature. Different voices guide you. She is ever-changing.
This sculptural installation invites people into her timeless surroundings. By digging into the earthy surface, We encounter a possible hybrid bird-human in an eternal space, remnants of her existence and gossips perpetually surrounding her.