Marie-Sophie Willfort
Austria, 1997
mariewillfort.com, IG:mariewillfort
Thesis: What starts at the end, goes backwards and ends at the beginning?
'Through capturing I hold on to moments. Through knitting them, I contain, remember, and slow them down.
A day is shown through the pictures that were taken on it. It is an attempt to translate time into something tangible.
Memories of that time remain and my conscience and my fear of forgetting, can rest.
Time I see not as a linear progression but a complex and interconnected construct.
The conversion of pixels into stitches encodes and deconstructs not only the information of the photo itself, but also the time and moment it represents.
The abstraction and chaos in constructs such as time, together with the systemic element of photography and the craft of knitting, is what intrigues me.
In my further search for deceleration, I can pinpoint my interest in puzzling to be a defining moment.
Puzzles and the act of puzzling stands literally and symbolically for the moment, in which the perception of time becomes blurred and irrelevant.