The Fedlev building is one of the winners of the prestigious architecture prizes awarded by the Branchevereniging voor Nederlandse Architectenbureaus (BNA) (Association of Dutch Architectural Firms). During a festive ceremony that was livestreamed on 22 October 2020 it was announced that our Fedlev building is the winner in the category 'Stimulating Environments' (Stimulerende Omgevingen).
The jury: "With this building, the previously closed educational complex has been broken up, and with its transparent plinth it invites interaction with the street. Users are challenged by the corridor-less interior to look beyond the boundaries of their field. The efficient and playful design, the integration of art, the attention to natural ventilation, the close cooperation between architect and user: according to the jury, these are the themes that come together here in a fantastic and innovative educational building."
The Fedlev building, the third Rietveld Academie building, links the existing buildings and the grounds in between, forming a single entity. It has been in full use since January 2019. The building houses, amongst others, the library, the robotics workshop, the wood workshop, several project spaces and the auditorium. The Sandberg Instituut occupies the first floor of the new building.
Photo: Jeroen Verrecht