The Fedlev building, the third Rietveld Academie building, links the existing buildings and the grounds in between, forming a single entity. It has been in full use since January 2019. The building houses, amongst others, the library, the robotics workshop, the wood workshop, several project spaces and the auditorium. The Sandberg Instituut occupies the first floor of the new building.

The Fedlev building is nominated for several prizes:

Nominatie Gouden A.A.P. 2019

Since 2008, the Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam (Amsterdam Architecture Center) has awarded the Gouden A.A.P. to the architect and the client of the building or project that the professional and public jury hailed as the best of all projects completed in Amsterdam in the previous year. Read more about the Amsterdamse Architectuurprijs 2019.


BNA Gebouw van het jaar

10 buildings in the Netherlands have been nominated for the prestigious architecture prize awarded by the Branchevereniging voor Nederlandse Architectenbureaus (BNA) (Association of Dutch Architectural Firms). Which building has "the most added value for people and society"? Read the (Dutch) article in de Volkskrant. And read more about BNA Beste Gebouw 2020.

> Announcement of the winner is 22 October 2020


Architectenweb Awards 2020 : Schoolgebouw van het Jaar 2020

An independent jury has nominated three buildings from the more than twenty entries for the prize for School Building of the Year 2020. The winner will be announced at the award ceremony on Wednesday 28 October 2020. Read more (in Dutch) about the Prijs voor Schoolgebouw van het Jaar 2020.

> Announcement of the winner on 28 October 2020


Arie Keppler Architectuurprijs

The aim of the Arie Keppler Architectuurprijs (Arie Keppler Architecture Prize) is to highlight policy developments and realised projects with exemplary significance in the fields of architecture, urban development, landscape and heritage. This means that these projects are leading in social, societal, technical or spatial terms. Read more about the  Arie Keppler Prijs 2020.

> Announcement of the winner on 5 November 2020


Gouden Piramide

The Gouden Piramide (Golden Pyramid) is the biennial government prize for inspiring commissions. It has been awarded since 2003. Chairman of the jury is Chief Government Architect Floris Alkemade. In a publication about the Golden Pyramid, extra attention is paid to ten clients who, although not nominated, are remarkable and can inspire others. Fedlev is part of this series of ten.

> Publication expected in January 2021

Photo: Jeroen Verrecht