Matilda Kenttä

TXT department

1. What are you currently working on?

Our List. 
Painting our nails.
Playing games.
Bead necklaces.
Pickle carrots.
Drawing session.
Re-planting flowers. 
Anna-Ebba (the name of our mouse that we have to do something about)
Winter clothes 
Defrost the fridge
Face mask
Watch movie at mubi
Taking a bath
Coffee in the park
Bos, picking nettles
Running in different parks
Baking cinnamonbuns
FaceTime with César 
White cupboard in the hallway
Clay session.
Bike to the beach. 
Fix the bike.
Make a book.
Get a instagram account.
Learning how to roll a cigarette.
Smoke weed. 
Find chairs. 
Work-out program from the Swedish military.
Coffee with Johan. 
Look trough Linneas clothes. 
Cut Matildas hair. 
Draw on the table. 
Take a walk backwards. 
Date Pernille. 

2. What has changed for you now that the Rietveld buildings are closed for classes and meetings?

"More time. Less space. Dry hands. Figuring out how flexible me and my work are. I smoke less."

3. And what is staying the same?

"At school I dreamed of spending weeks at home, wasting my time. Now when the time is to be wasted, I desire the loom in school. One is never pleased." 

4. Do you have a tip for our students, staff or alumni to make these isolating times a little but more joyful?

"See the list above and read this wonderful email, as a reminder, that I received last week from ~ plot twist ~ : 
if you are feeling anything like us right now, you might be finding it difficult to focus on anything you usually like to do – like read or write. that is OK! don't punish yourself for being "unproductive", we are entering a very uncertain and difficult time and that will take a very huge toll on our capacity to do anything at all. if you are going to put your energy into anything at all, we recommend slowing down to care for yourselves and others

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