grajo͝oˈāSHən film

No One's Sister takes place in the space between the concrete and the imaginary. It plays with poetry and a painterly visual language in which a brother dreams of his sister whom he has never met.

I would like to tell you about my sister. I don't know if she is real.

My graduation film No One's Sister is my first attempt to tell a big story. It is very personal to me, because I open a little door into my head and let the viewer in for just a moment.

Often, people ask me where I'm from, I usually say; I come from ......... which is a small farm town. I don't usually mention that my father fled, just like my grandfather from .........

Nevertheless, I believe that my family history has shaped me, and through my film, I am searching for new ways to speak about uprooting and belonging.

In the scene where a cheesecake is in the oven, a recipe and a violent history are intertwined in the voice-over. Ingredients are mixed and chopped, and at the same time, you hear about a bomb that drove my father and grandfather away. I think of trauma as something domestic like baking a cake. Much violence takes place in a person's mind, as a memory or story, while you cheerfully sit next to each other on the couch.

ˌpərsnˈel ˈinfō





ˈəT͟Hər wərk

Stedelijk Museum Uncut 2000 20 4

Are they nice, or are they stupid?

I collected 50 printers from Marktplaats. Then I sold my camera to a man on Marktplaats. Later, the man came back to take pictures of my printers with my camera.

Stedelijk Museum Uncut 2000 20 2

Where the Wind Goes