Wooryun Song

South Korea

Thesis: Milky Flame to a Ritual


Solace: Fighting Woman

It came from the thesis that I wrote " Milky flame to a Ritual". In this thesis, exploring the idea of gut-feeling and irrationality in relation to how womanhood is portrayed in both west and east societies and I draw personal relations within my life and practice and portraying gut-feeling as a virtue.

Throughout my childhood, my obsession that derived from my gut feeling in fencing came again recently. Secondly, I have researched Mongolian Nomad in International Institute of Social History. During this time, I found Matriarchal culture in Mongolian Nomad tribes. I resonate with this Mongolian culture and history as an Asian woman living in Western society. With this starting interest of Fencing: a choreography of fighting and research of Matriarchal culture in Mongol, It is a scenography of fighting woman. That consists of making a sword as in handcrafted of reinterpretation and symbolic action- woman, facing(fighting) with hardship that contains hybrid of fencing and Diasporic women towards formulating "fighting woman".