The Netherlands, 1970
Thesis: Rond - delen en het geheel (Round - the parts and the whole)
Z.t. (Weesperplantsoen), 2019 - series of paintings, oil paint on canvas
Self-portrait, 2019 - handmade woollen rug
The works of Marius van Zandwijk are best described as paintings of inconvenient places. The starting points of his works are close to home: situations he was in, places he visited, family history. His works explore how his personal experiences of inconvenience relate to more collective stories. In his works questions about remembrance are implied. How to deal with commemoration in a changing society? Like reality, most works contain multiple narratives. Often narratives are juxtaposed in his works. For example: can we be in control of something uncontrollable? In a way his practice is an analysis of identity. “I can see reflections of a place: hear a street, see a dune, walk a mountain. I can study the history. I want to have experienced it emotionally. Doubt about what a place is or can be. How does engaging work for me? How do we connect to each other and society?”