Emma Milićević


Dutch, 1998

@civecilim and emmamilicevic.com

Thesis: Does the Michelin Man eat burek?

As a second-generation immigrant, my work explores the complexities of bicultural identity
and the ways pop culture impacts our memories and creates a sense of belonging. For my
graduation project I explored the idea of the mascot in its true, original meaning, namely: a
good luck charm. My first memory of a personal mascot is a signboard I had in my room,
which had the logo of an ice cream brand on it together with its mascot. This commercial
object was particularly meaningful to me as it was a piece of my own cultural heritage that I
could keep with me.
I believe there is much more to mascots than their commercial value and replicability: they
are powerful symbols of memories and experiences that we cherish and want to hold onto.
These symbols can take on the form of decorations and objects, and carry traditional
My work focuses on the intersection of visual communication and popular culture to create a
new way of perceiving culture, foster a sense of togetherness and belonging, and share the
personal and cultural significance of mascots. I do so by first creating collages of found
images, then explore how these communicate with each other, and then create physical
translations of them, such as garments and prints. In my work, I hope to shed light through
clothing pieces as references to these mascots and good luck charms, making them even
more tangible to carry with us.
Lookbook photography by Giovanni Salice