Dorin Budușan


Romanian, 1985


Thesis: It Fell from the Stars: Alternative Cosmogonies from the Second World

My graduation work,"it flickered in the eyes of the onlookers...", is an audio-video installation consisting of five video loops of varying lengths, a combination of 3D animation and film. The starting point of the work was an investigation of a meteorite fall that happend in the village where I was born (in Transylvania, Romania) more than a century ago. The installation explores the reverberations of this cosmic event: from the scientific study of the meteorite to the local stories, legends and myths that surround it, as well as the impact it still has in the village where it fell. The meteorite has become a symbol for me, it takes many guises and meanings, as symbols do, but ultimately it refuses a straightforward definition as its signification is never complete.  

Projecten van: Dorin Budusan