Yi Wang




Thesis: The development of wind in contemporary art

Through my deep journey into the intriguing area of harnessing the natural strength of the wind, I joyfully question the supposed human dominance of this unseen force. Using a collaborative approach, I conduct in-depth interviews on the nature of the wind, providing a genuine invitation to the spectator, pushing them to go on a wind-centered lyrical excursion. By using both physical and intangible painting and installation art as my medium of choice, I explore into the fundamental links between corporeal forms, including my own, the ethereal nature of the wind, and the ensuing creative expression.

Within the context of this interaction, I ponder whether the wind will succumb and become an integral component of human existence. Such insights elicit significant ideas on the complex relationship between people and the natural world, while demonstrating the breadth of our influence over nature's unstoppable forces and the endless possibilities for constructive synergy.