“Colour… is new each time” — Roland Barthes
Studium Generale Rietveld 2019—2020 focuses on histories, politics, and perceptions of colour in the creation and understanding of aesthetic forms, social structures, and embodied experiences. Colour structures our daily life and our actions, our relationships with others and the spaces in which we live. Within different historical and cultural contexts, however, colours have very different symbolic, psychological, material, and socio-political meanings. Relating (to) Colour wants to see colour in art, science, technology, and life beyond the purely symbolic and aesthetic and not as self-evident or universal, but as a physical, material, cultural, and political phenomenon. We try to understand colour not only as visual, sensual, or textual but especially as a lived experience and relational concept that creates affect and agency.
More info:
With: David Batchelor, Taka Taka, Imara Limon, Nancy Jouwe, Sekai Makoni, Erik Viskil, Wieteke van Zeil, Adam Broomberg, Sara Blokland, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Patricia Pisters, Isabel Cordeiro, Joke Robaard, Melanie Bühler, Jay Tan, Ioanna Gerakidi, Ola Hassanain & Casco Art Institute, Stefano Harney, Rietveld Uncut and many others.
Individual projects by students:
Thomas Viers, Valter Törsleff, Lucía Vives, Dorin Budușan, Nina Gierasimczuk, Sifra Coulet, Danielle Alhassid, Eeva Juuti, Tia Yoon, Éloïse Alliguié, Kyung Lim Kwon, Minhwa Kang, Anton Shebetko, Katharina Siegel, Shreya de Souza, Athena Potamianos, Joris Benjamins/ Eefje Stenfert, Ju-An Hsieh, Lauren Fong, Ljubomir Popovic, Morgane Billuart
Participating departments:
Architectural Design, Ceramics, designLAB, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Photography, VAV-moving image
As the physical Rietveld Uncut exhibition in Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam could not proceed due to governments’ measures against Covid-19, participants created digital translations of their projects instead.
"The students of the Rietveld Academie and the curators of Rietveld Uncut managed to quickly turn offline into online. We believe it is a great statement that, as a result, their work has nevertheless been given a platform. With current events, the medium shifts for once."
- Rein Wolfs, director Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam