The Rietveld Academie disapproves of any form of (sexual) intimidation and violence. Everyone at the academy should be able to work and study in a good atmosphere. Safety is an essential condition for this.
In order to create a socially safe working and learning environment, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie has developed a code of conduct. This describes forms of undesirable behavior.
The code of conduct lays the foundation of how we treat one another. There are several places where students and staff can go should a undesirable situation arise or if someone has a complaint.
A safe learning environment means that students, former students and staff and former staff can always come to us with questions, reports and complaints about undesirable situations.
The Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is intended as a guide and framework for creating an institution that is socially safe, joyful and meaningful for everyone.
The Gerrit Rietveld Academie strives to provide an open environment, one that encourages deep conversations and creates space for all members to reflect, change their minds and grow as human beings and artists. We hope to encourage an inquisitive and curious mind while supporting each other and respecting each other's boundaries. Respect, care, equity, solidarity and safety are our basic values.
For students

The Confidants
The Student Support Group has initiated the project Confidant: A Listening Ear. Most of the confidants are alums from the Rietveld Academie or Sandberg Instituut and and with all of them, concern for the welfare of students is paramount.
Confidants actively approach all students to offer a listening ear. They meet students individually to check in, and, if necessary, refer students to the appropriate support persons at school (counselor, psychologist, student affairs, etc.), or elsewhere. Confidants provide general support and guidance regarding internal and external professionals, procedures and regulations, as well as complaint procedures.
Confidential advisors
You can approach the confidential advisers whenever you are concerned about undesirable behaviour by colleagues, teachers, students or managers. This means behaviour that you experience as inappropriate, unwelcome, hurtful or threatening. That includes bullying, harassment, gossip, sexual intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination, but also other forms of abuse, for example corruption or fraud.
Our starting points are:
- Every conversation is confidential.
- We never take action without your permission.
- We will search for solutions together, but you are the one who decides on and takes the next step.
Matthijs Hattink;
Nur Ozgenalp;
Heleen van Bruggen;
Sanne Baalhuis - Timmermans; ; +316 51219511

Contact Unsettling for issues around discrimination, diversity and inclusion. They are here to lend a sympathetic ear. This can be anonymous if you wish.
For any in-person questions, suggestions, conversations, please visit the Unsettling bar on Thursdays from 10-17.00! 1st floor Fedlev building.
Complaints - Who can I contact if I have a complaint?
The complaints procedure
Those wishing to file an official complaint can find the complaint procedure for undesirable behavior here. The complaint submitted will go to the Undesirable Conduct Complaints Committee. Each complaint is reported to the Academy Board and is followed up. The committee acts independently and in the utmost confidentiality.
Do you wish to file a complaint?
If you do not feel comfortable sharing your experience in person, you can fill an (anonymous) report. These reports will be read by the confidential Advisors.
Please note: these reports will be received as a “signal”, but please be aware that no action can be taken based on anonymous reports.
To file a report, visit the form on the intranet.
Issues concerning exemptions and assessments
Perhaps you would like an exemption for a subject on the grounds of a previous programme? If so, you can report this to the Examination Committee of your programme (bachelor's or master's). You can reach the committee via examencommissie[at]
If you disagree with your assessment and cannot reach a solution with your lecturers, you can appeal the decision to the Examination Appeals Board (CBE). The board consists of two academy lecturers and an independent legal chair. You can also appeal to the board against a decision of the examination board, for instance with regard to an exemption.
More information can be found in the regulations of the examination committees and the rules of procedure of the CBE.
If you feel that the persons, processes and protocols in place are not sufficient to help you, you can contact the independent reporting point, a collective disclosure office for undesirable behaviour in the cultural and creative sector.
In need of care?
Students of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut can contact the student psychologist, Sjaña Holloway.
Do you wish to make an appointment?
You can contact the student psychologist for:
- psychological problems
- advice about referrals to other bodies in the case of psychosocial problems
The student psychologist is available on Thursdays from 10.00 to 15.00, Room 225 BC building. A visit to the student psychologist is free of charge. Appointments can be made via Reservations
For staff
Confidental Advisors
You can approach the confidential advisors whenever you are concerned about undesirable behaviour by colleagues, teachers, students or managers. This means behaviour that you experience as inappropriate, unwelcome, hurtful or threatening. That includes bullying, harassment, gossip, sexual intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination, but also other forms of abuse, for example corruption or fraud.
Our starting points are:
- Every conversation is confidential.
- We never take action without your permission.
- We will search for solutions together, but you are the one who decides on and takes the next step.
Matthijs Hattink;
Nur Ozgenalp;
Heleen van Bruggen;
Sanne Baalhuis - Timmermans; ; +316 51219511
Ombuds Officer
The Ombuds Officer is an independent and impartial person with whom Gerrit Rietveld Academie employees can informally and confidentially discuss a complaint or problem.
The Ombuds Officer can investigate whether the academy behaved properly and carefully in a particular situation. The focus here is the correctness and fairness of (the application of) rules and procedures. The Ombuds Officer can advise, refer, mediate, investigate and adjudicate. In the first conversation with the employee, the Ombuds Officer will consider which route is possible and most appropriate.
Contact Unsettling for issues around discrimination, diversity and inclusion. They are here to lend a sympathetic ear. This can be anonymous if you wish.
For any in-person questions, suggestions, conversations, please visit the Unsettling bar on Thursdays from 10-17.00! 1st floor Fedlev building.
Complaints - Who can I contact if I have a complaint?
Those wishing to file an official complaint can find the complaint procedure for undesirable behaviour here. The complaint submitted will go to the Undesirable Conduct Complaints Committee. Each complaint is reported to the Academy Board and is followed up. The committee acts independently and with the utmost confidentiality.
Do you wish to file a complaint?
If you do not feel comfortable sharing your experience in person, you can fill an (anonymous) report. These reports will be read by the Confidential Advisors.
Please note: these reports will be received as a “signal”, but please be aware that no action can be taken based on anonymous reports.
To file a report, visit the form on the intranet.
If you feel that the persons, processes and protocols in place are not sufficient to help you, you can contact the independent reporting point, a collective disclosure office for undesirable behaviour in the cultural and creative sector.
Statement on Social Safety in Art Education
In the KUO Sector Agenda 2021-2025, social safety is explicitly named as a theme. It is clear that the sector considers social safety a crucial issue and we have decided to elaborate on this theme in a joint approach. The urgent need for a clear policy was emphasised in the Statement on Social Safety in Art Education, dated 20 May 2021, here, together with an outline for a Social Safety Code for Art and Design Education. The following Code was formulated based upon this outline:
Social Safety Code for Dutch higher art education