Since 2012 Gerrit Rietveld Academie presents works by selected graduates in SELECTED. Participants have all been nominated by an independent jury during the Graduation Show for the annual ‘GRA Awards’ in three categories: Autonomous Arts, Applied Arts and Thesis.

This year, the participating artists are: Irene Ha, Clémence Lollia Hilaire, Matilda Kenttä, Simon Marsiglia, Mayis Rukel, Alexis Stephenson, Nomin Zezegmaa, Eric van Zuilen. 

All nominees received a sum of money to support the start of their professional career, and Luuk Heezen made video portraits of all nominees. All nominees of the Autonomous Arts & Applied Arts categories also get the opportunity to develop either a RietveldTV episode (aired on AT5) or an exhibition in Eight Cubic Meters (the academy’s public gallery in the city centre of Amsterdam) and thus bring their work to a new audience in a new context; either on public television or in gallery in public space.


RietveldTV is Gerrit Rietveld Academie’s monthly TV show. Hosted every last Saturday and Sunday at 10.40pm by AT5 and afterwards forever online on Vimeo.

24 and 25 April 2021: Simon Marsiglia and Irene Ha

29 and 30 May 2021: Mayis Rukel

Eight Cubic Meters

Eight Cubic Meters is a public gallery in the heart of Amsterdam. It can be visited 24/7 in the Sint Nicolaasstraat, Amsterdam.


19 May – 9 June 2021: Eight Cubic Meters by Eric van Zuilen

16 June - 6 July 2021: Eight Cubic Meters by Alexis Stephenson

14 July 14 – 25 August 2021: Eight Cubic Meters by Nomin Zezegmaa

Video portraits

SELECTED 2020 was launched in November 2020 with the series SELECTED 2020 – video portraits. For ten days, the academy’s online channels were devoted to video portraits made of all participating artists. Every video is created together with the artists to give insight in their way of thinking and working and gives the viewer the chance to dive deeper into the work. All participants were interviewed by Luuk Heezen, the videos were made by Rik Lauwen.