Eight Cubic Meters by Annelotte Lammertse and Anouk Hoogendoorn
6 October 2022 - 6 November 2022
Opening: 6 October, 17:00 hrs
Eight Cubic Meters @ Sint Nicolaasstraat, Amsterdam
Seeding a message, a grocery
The Dutch word ‘boodschap’ has a double meaning. It can be translated as either ‘a message’ or as ‘a grocery’. Boodschap comes from the word ‘bode,’ meaning ‘envoy’ and the suffix ‘-schap,’ which is someone’s trade or job. These 8 cubic meters are in an alley sideways to one of Amsterdam’s biggest shopping streets. It hosts the ones wanting a detour, a shortcut, a wander, or a hide.
Via walks in the city, Annelotte Lammertse and Anouk Hoogendoorn collect all they hold onto and carry every day; colours and textures they pass by and bring to new surroundings; multiplicitous actions, sounds, rhythms, and movements they meet and make on the way.
In the coming windows they connect the verbs dragen (to carry), overdragen (to hand over) and opdragen (to dedicate) with brengen (to bring), overbrengen (to transfer) and opbrengen (to bear) with nemen (to take), overnemen (to take over/on) and opnemen (to record/ to stand up for something or someone) thinking all it takes and leaves behind to convey something.
All photos by Jordi de Vetten
Read more about the exhibition space Eight Cubic Meters