The Graduation Show 2020 took place at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie buildings from 26 until 30 August 2020.

The Graduation Show presented the work of almost 160 graduates from all over the world. They have completed their four to five year Bachelor Fine Arts & Design at one of the fourteen departments. The exhibition marks both the end of their study and the start of a professional career. 

Due to Covid-19 measures, it was necessary to book a ticket for a specific date and start time in advance.


Graduation Show online functions as the online platform of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Graduation Show 2020. The aim is to give visibility to graduating students who can only receive a limited number of visitors due to the COVID-19 outbreak. While on the website, you will be guided through different works randomly selected by an algorithm. You will be given the option to refresh the page in order to be presented with a different selection. Idea, design, documentation by Elia Kalogianni & Kleoniki Stanich.

Opening days

26 August - 30 August 2020
10 am - 9 pm

Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Fred. Roeskestraat 96
1076 ED Amsterdam


The Opening of the Graduation Show 2020 by Rein Wolfs and Geo Wyeth was livestreamed. The video can be seen here.

Please note:

The health and safety of our visitors, students and staff always comes first. By following our safety and hygiene protocol, and that of the National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM), we try to make your visit to the graduation show as safe and enjoyable as possible. Thank you for protecting yourself and others.

To ensure that everyone can stay 1.5 meters apart, visitors must reserve a start time on a specific date by making an online reservation. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make a reservation by phone call. 

If you have cold or flu symptoms, a fever and/or shortness of breath, stay at home. You and members of your household are welcome when you have been free of symptoms for 24 hours. For a description of symptoms check the RIVM through this link.

Also we would like to ask you to consider to make a donation for the Berlagefonds. The Berlagefonds is the school fund of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. It supports students when they really need it. With this fund, the academie finances extra endeavours and special investments and expenses that are not or only partly subsidised by the government. Donations to the Berlagefonds are now particularly welcome as we will need extra funding to support our (international) students, who in many cases have been financially affected by the Covid-19 crisis and who desperately need help to continue their studies.

When you book a time slot for a visit to the Graduation Show, there’s an option to buy a donation ticket of 5 euro. Or you could transfer your contribution to: IBAN NL76 INGB 0656 9109 76, in the name of Berlagefonds, Amsterdam.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!


Before you visit the Graduation Show, we would like to share the following information:
- Access is only provided at the time of your booked time slot, so please make sure to arrive on time – to ensure a good flow we ask you to arrive not too late but not too early either; Time slots will be available from 12 August on.
- We recommend coming by foot, bike or public transport, as the academy does not provide parking spaces;
- Our entrance is at the Fred Roeskestraat 96, this is the only entrance where we can scan your ticket;
- There will be no cloakroom at the academy;
- A walking direction is set out for all visitors, please follow the routing and/or instructions of our staff;
- We follow the current measures as indicated by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). We will make it possible to disinfect your hands upon arrival, please cough/sneeze into your elbow;
- Keep a safe distance of 1.5m to other visitors at all times;
- If you’re not able to visit us at your booked timeslot, please let us know in advance by mailing to RSVP[at] In this way we can help as many guests as possible to find a time slot to visit the Graduation Show. 



Please be aware, when you enter the Graduation Show 2020 you will be entering an area where photography, video, and audio recording may occur. If you do not wish to have your image or audio recorded for distribution, please make your wishes known in advance to the photographer/videographer or contact the Gerrit Rietveld Academie at public[at]

Personal photos and video recordings generally are permitted inside the buildings. Flash photography is not permitted. If you require images for professional use, please email us at: public[at]


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