Gerrit Rietveld Academie
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During 16 April - 23 April edited the front-space.

RietveldTV is Gerrit Rietveld Academie’s monthly TV show. Hosted every last Saturday and Sunday at 10.40pm by AT5 and afterwards forever online on Vimeo. Every month an alumnus is invited to use the set audiovisual 12 minutes as a framework for the development of a new work.

The current season (2017-2018) is the - approximately - 10th season, reason for some festiveness. RietveldTV will be monthly showcasing in Filmhuis Cavia.

The new RietveldTV will be presented in Filmhuis Cavia on Wednesday 25 April at 9pm. RietveldTV's Approximately Ten Tour: #7: Mailbox by Harmen Liemburg + side programme Graphic Means.

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Previous, 9-16 April 2018 by / Next, 23-30 April 2018 by David Bennewith