Research Group Critical Inquiry

The research group Critical Inquiry provides a space for experimental thought and analysis concerned with the transformation of social and political life. Complementing the thematically oriented research groups in the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Critical Inquiry combines an ongoing research programme on alternating topics with a broader methodological reflection on contemporary forms of critique and radical imagation. The research group aims to set up new collaborations and exchanges with universities, exploring modes of study and investigation beyond the conventional academic limits, while strengthening the link between research and education. To do so, Critical Inquiry hosts a range of events and discussions open to students, scholars and practitioners within the academy and beyond, including a monthly seminar in philosophical and critical thought taught by Tom Vandeputte.

Website & contact

For more information about our research activities at Rietveld Sandberg Research please visit our website or contact the Research Bureau: researchsupport[at]