The Gerrit Rietveld Academie is an independent university of applied sciences with approximately 850 students. The Rietveld Academie offers the degree programme Art & Design which incorporates the various specialisations. The specialisations are led by coordinators who are responsible for the study programme and day-to-day affairs. In addition, the academy offers two master's degrees and a variable number of temporary master's programmes provided by the Sandberg Instituut. Some two hundred lecturers are affiliated with the academy. Lecturers all work on a part-time basis and are also independent artists or designers.
Executive Board
Maaike Lauwaert is chairperson of the Executive Board.
The chairperson of the Executive Board works together with the Management Team that consists of three directors: Miriam Bestebreurtje (director Bachelor's education / Rietveld Academie), Ruby Hoette (director Master's education / Sandberg Instituut) and Judith Kroon (director Operations).
The Executive Board is supported by a compact support organisation, consisting of a secretarial department, policy officials and the departments of Human Resources, Financial Affairs, Facility Services and Student Affairs.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board consists of:
Judith van Kranendonk (since 2016), supervisor en director, chairman & member Renumeration committee
Martijn Groep (since 2023), independent advisor, chairman & member Audit committee
Roosje Klap (since 2024), visual artist
Wayne Modest (since 2020), director of the Research Center for Material Culture (RCMC) and professor of Material Culture and Critical Heritage Studies (by special appointment) in the faculty of humanities at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (VU).
Steven ten Thije (since 2016), Head of Collections Van Abbemuseum, member Audit committee
The Supervisory Board acts in accordance with the sector code of Goed bestuur en toezicht in het hbo.
Ancillary functions of supervisory board members May 2024
The Institutional plan 2020-2025 is available here.
Quality Agreements 2019 - 2024
In the Quality Agreements Dossier, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie has formulated 8 goals with regard to the use of the Study Advance Funds. The Dossier was drawn up in collaboration with the Participation Council. In early 2020, at the request of NVAO, an Additional Dossier Quality Agreements was drawn up, which explains the 8 agreements and the governance structure.