RietveldTV by Jan Dietvorst: The Runaway

A Dutchman talks with authority about the conceptions and customs of 'others'. It's the stereotypical contrast between 'us' and 'them'. Gradually the relationship appears to be less unambiguous; the protagonists are part of each other's mythology.

The Runaway is a flm by Jan Dietvorst

with special thanks to Piet van Mensvoort, Roy Villevoye and Jeanine Albronda
Additional footage: Piet Kok
Creative director: Marieke Coppens
RietveldTV tune: Nathalie Bruys
RietveldTV is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie production
Thanks to Buro Rietveld and Public Rietveld

© 2015 Jan Dietvorst