Gerrit Rietveld Academie
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During 02 October - 09 October David Bennewith edited the front-space.

'Always in Risk, Yet Never in Danger. Rietveld Graphic Design 2017.' Opening at the Stedelijk Museum 29 September, 2017. A representation of one semester’s work in the graphic design department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. It was designed with a group of students and teachers in a summer workshop, and built at the Rietveld by students and teachers. Accompanying the opening is a new publication titled 'See Also' – an alternative graphic design lexicon written and designed by students in a second year writing class.

Exhibition is on show until 29 October.

Front-space archive Book the front-space

Previous, 25 September - 2 October 2017 by Vere van Hal / Next, 9-16 October 2017 by