Eight Cubic Meters by Sara Darle Olsson and Max Purdon: Les Garbagé

When: 17 December 2024 – 23 January 2025

Opening: Tuesday 17 December, 17:00h

Where: Eight Cubic Meters, Sint Nicolaasstraat, Amsterdam 


Les Garbagé
The e is silent

As objects are moved from one 8m3 to another, the perception of their value is in flux. They’re shipped from their production site via a small delivery truck to the display windows of the Kalverstraat, to small homes where they are sifted through the seasonal whims of the quick-to-bore consumer, then finally thrown out to meet their end. 

Les Garbagé is a proposal to interrupt this swift, predetermined cycle; an invented brand opening its first storefront on Saint Nicolaasstraat this December.

Looking for a late Christmas gift for your friend? A new aesthetic for your home for the new year? All items you see will be available for takeaway: locally sourced, non artificially-aged. Provenance and patina included at no extra cost. We only ask for your most valuable asset in return: your time.



Sara Darle Olsson and Max Purdon are in their final year of the Architectural Design department, and were selected through the call for applications this academic year.