Public & Projects is in search of four Rietveld students for the new curatorial team of RietveldTV in the academic year 2024-2025 starting in September.

RietveldTV is the Gerrit Rietveld Academie's monthly TV programme on AT5. In the past, each month an alum was invited to use the 12-minute audiovisual programme as a framework for developing a new work. But this school year (2023-2024) we did things a little differently!

For the first time we had a curatorial team of four students from different departments who, supported by a coordinator, invited a number of Rietveld alums to produce an episode while working with a specific theme.

The coordinator of RietveldTV 2023/2024 was alum Rabea Ridlhammer (graduated 2015 in Graphic Design) and the curatorial team consisted of Feliz Aaliyah Sanchez Buitrago (Fashion), Mayya Kuznetsova (Fine Arts), Jiyeon Izzy Lee (VAV - moving image) and Karolina Hyun Wilting (VAV - moving image).

The season's theme was The Third Skin. Think: shifting identities, expanding beyond the material body and cracking one's own shell, blurring the boundaries between the inside and the outside. Our invited alums could work with this guiding theme in any way they wished and were welcome to associate freely and to work with a range of approaches, which manifested in a diverse and exciting season of RietveldTV. The theme was further explored during the public programme, a soiree at De Nieuwe Anita with screenings as well as performative and material expansions of individual episodes. 

New team
Starting in September 2024, a fresh curatorial team consisting of a group of 4 Rietveld students – preferably from different departments – will curate the next season of RietveldTV for one academic year, guided again by Rietveld alum Rabea Ridlhammer. The curatorial team decides an overall theme together, invites alums to create 6 RietveldTV episodes and organises 1 public programme during that year (in spring/summer 2025). The exchange between students and alums is the main focus of this format.

Tasks include:

- Formulating a theme and/or criteria together with the rest of the curatorial team for the several RietveldTV episodes which will be produced in the academic year of 2024-2025;

- Doing a workshop with an artist to create the first episode together;

- Selecting and approaching the artists/alums for 6 RietveldTV episodes;

- Taking charge of communication with 1 invited alum;

- Organising together 1 public programme in the context of the chosen theme and the season’s episodes, for the Rietveld community and possibly beyond.

Throughout, you will be guided and supported by the coordinator.

Practical information
We are looking for 4 Rietveld students from all departments and different academic years, not necessarily only people working with moving image but rather with a range of different practices, an interest in this particular format as well as collaborative processes. We encourage everyone interested to apply, no experience or specific knowledge is necessary, only a little commitment and enthusiasm!

We have a modest fee available of 450 euros in total per student. Starting in September 2024 the programme will last until June 2025. It is approximately one day (8h) of work a month plus preparations. This doesn’t mean it is always exactly one day a month. At the beginning and at the end of the year (around the public programme) it could be a bit more work, this balances out over the rest of the year. The team will meet on average once per month for 2-3h and there will be some communication required in between meetings.

Please send your CV and motivation (max. 1 A4) to become part of the curatorial team to attn. Vere van Hal before Sunday 23 June, 2024. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to send an email to


Photo: The Third Skin a soirée hosted by RietveldTV, photography by Sophia Xu