Rietveld Academie Studium Generale and Rietveld Uncut present:
Oceanic Imaginaries
How can we liquefy our ways of being? How can we think from and with the oceans?
23-26 March 2022
At Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
After two online editions, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie is pleased to announce that the exhibition Rietveld Uncut and Studium Generale's conference festival will once again take place in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. From 23 to 26 March 2022, urgent questions about our oceans will take centre stage in the exhibition and during the conference.
Studium Generale Rietveld Academie is an extensive theoretical programme of the Rietveld Academie. This year, the theme is Oceanic Imaginaries. Based on this theme, students have developed projects that are exhibited in the Rietveld Uncut exhibition. This presentation takes place simultaneously with the concluding conference festival. Making and thinking come together during masterclasses, projects and performances.
The academic year 2021-2022 focuses on urgent questions about our oceans. The oceans are conceived as entities that feel, remember and connect. In an ecological sense, they are critical zones that demand a shift in our thinking and actions. They are places that harbour suppressed stories of transatlantic trade in enslaved people and boat refugees on the Mediterranean. But the oceans can also be experienced as spaces of transformation and liberation in which new identities and relationships emerge.
Conference Festival
The four-day conference is a collaboration of Studium Generale curator Jorinde Seijdel with guest curators Stefanie Hessler, Natasha Ginwala & Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung with Michelangelo Corsaro, Erika Balsom and Charl Landvreugd. There will be presentations, conversations, screenings and performances by artists, writers, activists and theorists, including Yasmine Attoumane, Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, Elizabeth DeLoughrey, Köken Ergun, Hira Nabi, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Josèfa Ntjam, Joy Mariama Smith and Tarek Lakhrissi.
Free for students with a Rietveld student card. A limited number of tickets for the four-day conference are still on sale via the Stedelijk Museum website.
See also the new website of Studium Generale Rietveld Academie: oceanicimaginaries.rietveldacademie.nl
Check out the full programme of lectures here
For Rietveld Uncut, Rietveld students and departments developed projects under the supervision of curators Tomas Adolfs and Tarja Szaraniec.
In addition to the departments Jewellery - Linking Bodies, the Large Glass, Photography and VAV - moving image, the following students are participating individually: Astrid Ardagh, Olivier Arts & Jill van Grinsven & Jakke Jalink & Lova Yu 鱼立尧 & Inès Vivier, Njaay Mame Saliou Assile & Erin McClain, Kaja Boudewijn, Mara-Luna Brandt Corstius, Dennis Buckland & Aljoscha Lahner, Killian Butler, Sofia Fernandez Blanco, Sigríður Hannesdóttir, Dimme van Harten & Jakob Hodel, Özgür Deniz Koldaş, Ingeborg Kraft Fermin, Paula Megija Kārkliņa, Tobias Mud, Marlies Neugebauer, Karla Nilzen & Aimée Phillips, Siwon Noh, Captain Aurelia Noudelmann & Laetitia Delauney, Colin Oord, Albert Rask, Mie Rygh Reianes, Anton Shebetko, Maud Talma, Lucía Vives & Sam Fuentes, Walking Club, Catherine Zixin Hu & Chaemin Hwang.
You can visit the previous two (online) exhibitions here: rietvelduncut.rietveldacademie.nl
Edition 2022 will be added here at the end of March.