Welcome (back)!
It will be our great pleasure to welcome you (back) at the academy.
The introduction day for full-time students was on 26 August 2021 and we welcome the DOGtime students on 3 September 2021. Classes start from 30 August onwards.
The government announced that from 30 August social distancing will no longer be required at higher professional education institutions (HBOs) such as ours. This means that the 1.5 metre rule is lifted during classes.
We do ask our students and staff:
> give each other space and respect personal requests to keep your distance;
> wearing face masks remains compulsory when moving through the corridors;
> If you have symptoms, get tested as soon as possible and stay at home;
> Wash your hands often;
> Cough and sneeze into your elbow;
> Social events are not allowed at the academy until national measures are changed.
Students and staff can order free self-tests at zelftestonderwijs.nl (log in with your Rietveld account). You can do a self-test yourself if you want to quickly find out if you’re infected with the coronavirus. These tests are used on a voluntary basis.

What is the Gerrit Rietveld Academie doing in the light of the COVID-19 crisis?
- We always follow the advice and guidelines of RIVM (The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), the GGD (Municipal and Regional Health Services), the Ministry of Education (OCW) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- We are doing everything within our reach to ensure that students are able to follow their educational programmes.
- We have set up a set of measures in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, see next question.
- There are various protocols for, for example, working in the workshops and what we do in the event of corona contamination.
- We are in close contact with other universities (of applied arts) to exchange information and touch base about current national developments.
- We actively inform students and staff via the intranet about developments, measures and guidelines.
- We have two Corona Committees, one of Rietveld and one for Sandberg that have an active position in working on questions related to the coronavirus and the education at the academy. They advise the board and keep in touch with the community.
- The academy pays extra attention to the mental wellbeing of students, since these are unprecedented and stressful times. The student counsellor (student counsellor Mirjam.mazurel[at]rietveldacademie.nl), student psychologist, Student Council and Unsettling are there to help and support students.
What corona measures are in place at the academy?
- Always carry a face mask with you when on the academy grounds;
- In common areas (stairways, hallways, canteen) wearing a face mask is mandatory because in these spaces the 1.5m distance cannot be guaranteed due to limited space and/or the mobility of people;
- Workshop managers may also impose additional and stricter measures in the use of the workshop;
- Educational departments will decide on additional measures in consultation with students and lecturers;
- Follow the instructions from the GGD if you have been in (close) contact with someone that is infected with the coronavirus;
- The rooms and facilities are cleaned regularly;
- Products to clean and disinfect are provided throughout the school;
- There is a protocol for the internal communication in case of a corona infection;
- There are walking routes in the buildings, signage systems, partitions and fenced off areas, so that everyone can keep as much distance and space as possible. Excess furniture has also been removed.
- Heads of departments, staff and the concierges actively enforce the rules. Everyone is asked to follow their instructions.
- We ask everyone to follow the basic rules:
-- If you have symptoms, get tested as soon as possible and stay at home.
-- Stay 1.5 metres away from other people.
-- Wash your hands often.
-- Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
-- Avoid busy places and travel outside peak hours if possible
How does the air ventilation system work in the buildings?
In general: The systems draw in outside air, heat or cool it as required, and transport it via a closed duct system to each individual room, via the inflow grilles that you see above your head on the ceiling. The air pressure in the room increases so that air is blown into the corridor via the discharge grilles, often above or below the doors. In this way, each room is completely flushed several times an hour. You can improve the flow by opening your room door, but this is not necessary as long as you don't have a cabinet in front of the discharge grille. The consumed air is sucked in from the corridor and discharged to the outside via a closed duct system.
Rietveld building: This building is refreshed and cooled via the air blown in, heating is provided via the radiators in each room.
Fedlev: This building is refreshed and (partially) heated via the air blown in, there is no cooling present.
Benthem Crouwel Building: This building is refreshed, heated and cooled by the blown in air.
What measures will be in place to protect those who are at high risk of serious illness from coronavirus?
If we all observe these measures, we can keep the likelihood of COVID-19 infection at the Academie to a minimum. Since 1 June 2020, that risk has been further reduced by the fact that it is possible to get tested for coronavirus and the public health service (GGD) can do extensive contact tracing. Students who are at high risk can always contact the student counsellor; Mirjam.mazurel[at]rietveldacademie.nl. Staff that is at high risk can contact their manager and if needed the company doctor.
Is it a measure that students are required to self-isolate/quarantine before attending the academy or when travelling abroad?
The Rietveld follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read the checklist for entering or returning to the Netherlands from abroad on Government.nl.
How will the Gerrit Rietveld Academie inform me about changes in the guidelines?
We inform students and staff about major changes via the website, intranet and by email. We will contact you via your Rietveld mail address.
How to use your Rietveld mail address: Follow step 1, 2, 3 and a bit of 4 of this manual. If you have never accessed your Rietveld account before, contact the IT-helpdesk and make sure you have your student number ready: T + 31 20 5711 606 or helpdesk[at]rietveldacademie.nl
Where can I find reliable English information on the coronavirus and measures taken in the Netherlands?
Official information in English can be found here:
RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)
GGD Amsterdam (Public Health Service of Amsterdam)
WHO (World Health Organisation)
Ministry of Education (OCW)
NOS in English, a Facebook group that translates Dutch news items into English
Who can I address at the academy with questions or concerns?
If you have any practical questions regarding the taken measures, please e-mail: infocoronavirus[at]rietveldacademie.nl
If you have questions about what to do in case of a corona infection, please contact: Arnoud.kortenbout[at]rietveldacademie.nl
Should you encounter personal problems, you can contact the student counsellor: mirjam.mazurel[at]rietveldacademie.nl
We've added information about the role and the list of members of the Rietveld Corona Team in the FAQ on the intranet.
What are the preparations in case there is a second wave of coronavirus?
The academy is obliged to follow national guidelines, also when a new wave arrives. The educational departments are prepared to change their programme into online education.
You can find all relevant updates and/or other measurements that need to be taken on the intranet.