Enzy Jhang



Thesis: Connected Buildings, Disconnected People

Enzy Jhang focuses on the interactions between people and the spaces they inhabit.
She uses her physical body as a tool to investigate the boundaries and rules of these spaces.
Two video installation works are on display during the graduation show; "The Risky Little Games", and "The Sound of the Ticking Light".
"The Risky Little Games" consists of two video works filmed in a shared office building. By incorporating simple gestures that go against the stream of accepted workplace behaviors, the work subverts and disrupts the established order in the space, bringing underlying power dynamics present in the building to the surface.
“The Sound of the Ticking Light” is a reaction to the artist’s time spent investigating office spaces. Despite the necessary critical perspective on the office building being a place of isolation and restraint, she wanted to show the possibility of a new perspective to approach this clean, new, and technologically advanced space. By showing the new side of technological objects in the video, she wanted to emphasize that even sleek, plastic, metal objects can be the spark or catalyst of cherished memories. Furthermore, the architectural space that these objects inhabit can also serve as an intimate component of personal memories.


Enzy Jhang, Talent Coordinator

"Enzy Jhang, Talent Coordinator" is a multimedia installation that explores experiences of cultural dislocation and the formation of identity. 
This character, Enzy Jhang(Talent Coordinator) dresses up in office drag in both a serious and playful sense to pass as a corporate worker. She uses small, mundane details present in the workplace as fuel for satire, regaining narrative control over the perception of her multifaceted identity.