Yawen Fu


Chinese, 1996


Thesis: a glass container

I had a Dream in Red presents a scene suspended between imagination and reality. Within it, the washing machine is a metaphor for the powerful, destructive forces that maintain the "cleanliness" of a system. This cleanliness represents a standard norm. Anything that does not conform to this standard is eliminated. As a maker, I have fears about such violence. My fear led me to imagine a counterforce, which then began to overlap in my mind with the memory of a dusty plush crocodile from my childhood room. Beneath a soft exterior, there lies a real crocodile. Drawn by the smell of blood, it leaves behind its plush disguise and, after a long absence, submerges itself in water. Faint vibrations from underwater reaches its skin, as it silently observes the spinning machine.
Projects by: Yawen Fu