Jacob Clausen


Danish, 1997


Thesis: BIT ROT

'Three paintings depicting Palestinian resistance. Based on images from Gaza, Palestine.
Accompanied by a booklet containing the reference images used in the painting process, along with dates and names of subjects- and photographers who produced them. These images were taken prior to October 7th 2023. The booklet contextualizes the paintings within Israel’s 76 year brutal occupation of Palestine. It serves to document the martyrs who fought for liberation, the children who were raised to live against apartheid and the resistance fighters who skipped school to sling rocks at tanks. In this study of Palestinian resilience, the three paintings aim to expand on the work of photographers and journalists in Gaza.
Due to their efforts alone, we are exposed to the most well-documented genocide in history. These images should not be watched in silence. Neither should they belong in the palm of your hand. They should not be swept away or be put in your pocket when you’ve had enough. They should not have you weep alone at the metro station, but be grieved over collectively. They should make you angry and want to lash out.
They should belong on posters next to slogans. And they should be allowed to hang in the walls of our academy. They should not be removed by Joseefke from Public Rietveld or be torn apart by the Board. They should not be claimed to damage the paintwork, or threaten our safe spaces. These images are not disposable and neither are the people they represent.
We the students for Palestine call for the Gerrit Rietveld Academy to disclose, boycott and divest from Israel. We will not rest until our demands are met.
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