Gabriel Stoll


German, 1998


Thesis: 2 Round Dots and a Masquerade

Gabriel explores processes of mimicry, imitation, translation, and transduction as crucial elements in image creation. His works are multidimensional, as they may initially seem like clear depictions of recognizable objects. However, the transparency of their construction provokes philosophical inquiries that delve into the contradictory relationship between the materiality and appearance of an image. By juxtaposing unexpected pairs of objects, Gabriel examines the power of resemblance through translation, enabling him to work across different mediums and disciplines. The greater the disparity in materiality between the objects, the more they resemble each other and the more intense the tension becomes.
In Gabriel's work "Mating Scenes" (2023), a shadow of pasta takes on the appearance of a butterfly, particularly when accompanied by a projected hand-drawn animation of a butterfly. We perceive pasta, butterfly shadows, and a moving projection, but there is no actual butterfly. What we witness is the absence of a butterfly transforming into its own image.