Light Chaos (Lucie Dadova)


Czech republic


Thesis: Collaboration of a human and artificial intelligence

Seascape is a work about finding orientation in undefined dimensions. Where am I? How do I place myself in space? Can we rely on our senses to guide us or will they ultimately fail us?
Confronting the boundaries of what our expectations are and the deep rooted biases of our programming.
The journey starts in an empty, almost sterile space with very little visual stimulation. The quietness and emptiness slow down our impeding thoughts and slowly ignite our imagination. Once the viewer is ready they can enter the stage by putting on a VR headset to enter an enormous but visually simple gallery exploring paintings of seascapes. The viewer becomes a co-author of the virtual experience by using their hands and body movements to interact with the space and objects, until another natural force changes the course of the experience and reveals an unexpected world.