Ingeborg Kraft Fermin
Sweden, 1993 
Thesis: Bad at Hunting (So I steal) - The Simple Life of the Material_Girl

Through shiny poker chips, afterparty bliss, snow globes, Y2K revivalism, tanning bed-mirages, a pink price tag gun, the loneliest whale, ok let’s go for ONE beer, skater-boy-envy, hyper-consumption, interrailing, a containership arriving loaded with Eiffel tower key chains, reflexive impotence, accidental DJ-tragedy, It-might-be-girl-art-and-I-might-be-fake-blonde-but-don’t-you-dare-to-call-me-dumb,-bitch, critical hedonism, Swedish girls with Spanish accents, being kicked out of a piece of shit party, Ctrl+Shift+C Motherlode, Weltschmerz, affirmation-memes and rhizomatic overstimulation; Ingeborg Kraft Fermin sets the scene with desires and fears in late-capitalism, relying on the search for pleasure in nihilistic joy. - Content y Contenido

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