Marie Gertsen 
Denmark, 1996
Thesis: From the TELEVISION's P.O.V.

This Book is Going Somewhere!

1200 page image book with screenshots of videos I recorded on my phone last summer. There is a place to sit comfortably while scrolling through the pages of the book displayed on a low table.

During summer the TV is different. There is always more stuff for kids during school breaks. And there is often a lot of sport. There’s the Tour de France every summer. Longer sports competitions that are also major TV events like the Tour de France and the olympics are almost like slow TV. It will just be playing. I don't pay much attention, but I would rather have it on. 

During autumn I started writing my essay about the experience of watching TV — as a way of going somewhere, at the same time as going nowhere. I started recording with my phone every time I went out to go somewhere. Carrying it in my hand when walking or in a bag when biking. The bag, not necessarily suitable for filming out of, would cover the lens partly or fully, altering the view of my phone camera. When back home, I could watch my route again from another perspective than my own eyes. Maybe my own type of slow TV, also just an uneventful Iphone video, but nonetheless a proof of going somewhere.


Projects by: Marie Gertsen