Elizaveta Borovikova


Russian, 2001

insta @lill.boo

Thesis: 'time-out-of-time'

'Where do we go after all is gone?
House shelters daydreaming. As a store of childhood hyper fixations, we build our space out of all the things we collected throughout our young life.
Rearrange, rip apart, put together - creating a daydream to be in.
In my store of childhood hyper fixations - I shelter.
Daydream. lost in the time
Ripping apart and putting together.
I am creating a space - time-out-of-time - a practice of collecting, archiving, imagining, seeking.
House shelters daydreaming. out of time - in my daydream.
Getting lost in the streets.
An installation of five walls decayed and constructed by me depicting a selection of images that represent my daydreaming as a hyper fixation on urban decay of the city structure. This project started from questioning what home is, and my lack of essence of what home is since young age.
The urge to daydream and belong - transferring my hyper-fixations into my practice - the only constant part of my life. A safe space - to daydream, to collect, to imagine.
“And after we are in the new house, when memories of other places we have lived in come back to us, we travel to the land of Motionless Childhood. Motionless the way all Immemorial things are. We live in fixations, fixations of happiness. We comfort ourselves by reliving memories of protection. Something closed must retain our memories while leaving them their original value as images. Memories of the outside world will never have the same tonality as those of home and, by recalling these memories, we add to our store of dreams;”