Image: Overview Dutch Design Week 2023, Sophia Xu

During Dutch Design Week 2023, we presented a curated selection of 7 Rietveld alums from 7 different departments at Klokgebouw alongside other esteemed art schools. The selected artists graduated in 2023 from one of the following specialisations: Architectural Design, Ceramics, designLAB, Fashion, Jewellery - linking bodies, The Large Glass and TXT.  

Participating artists were: 

Architectural Design – Danute Līva 

Ceramics - Lesja van Hoof 

designLAB - Shai Datauker 

Fashion - Ruben Janssen 

Jewellery - Linking Bodies - Ada Jochimsen 

The Large Glass - Daicha Fuwa  

TXT - Sojin Lee 

Photos by Sophia Xu