Photo by Franzi Mueller Schmidt

Rietveld Academie (Public & Projects) is collaborating this year with Amsterdam Art to present Rietveld alums who graduated in the years 2021, 2022 & 2023 during this year's Amsterdam Art Week edition which will take place from 29 May until 2 June 2023. 

Amsterdam Art promotes and connects Amsterdam's contemporary art institutions and artists to strengthen the city's artistic ecosystem to make it accessible to local and international audiences. Since 2011, they have organised the annual Amsterdam Art Week, strengthening the city as a meeting place for (inter)national artists, art lovers, professionals and collectors. Amsterdam Art Week encourages collaborations, special programming and special events among its members and activates their overarching network of visitors and art professionals to rediscover the Amsterdam art world every year. 

In an exhibition of approximately 1000m2 on the roof of the Fedlev building at the premises of Gerrit Rietveld Academie, a selection of approximately 15 Rietveld alums from 2021, 2022 and 2023 – led by the curator, Tirza Kater (artist-curator, co-founder of artist-run project space Marwan and coordinator of Rietveld Fine Arts) – will be shown. The presentation will take place on the roof and so should be weatherproof.  

Practical information in short 

Who can apply: Rietveld alums who graduated in the years 2021, 2022 & 2023 

- When: Amsterdam Art Week takes place from 29 May - 2 June 2024 
- When to build up: 28 May (9.00-21.00h) and 29 May (9.00-15.00h) 
- When to dismantle: 3 June (9.00-17.00h) 

Deadline Open Call: 6 March 2024 at 12.00h 

Send to: attn. Vere van Hal, please include in the title of your email Amsterdam Art Week. 

What we can offer 

- An artist fee of 200 euros excl. VAT. This artist fee is calculated based on the guidelines of the Fair Practice Code for existing work in a group exhibition, which means we are specifically searching for existing work to exhibit  

- Presenting your work together with 15 other (selected) Rietveld alums during Amsterdam Art Week 

- An exhibition space at the rooftop of the Fedlev building during Amsterdam Art 

- Guidance and support (to a reasonable extent) by Tirza Kater (curator) and Vere van Hal (Public & Projects) 

- Production support on location by Rietveld Academie 

- A floorplan on location 

- (General) PR by Amsterdam Art Week 

- PR by Rietveld Academie specially focused on all participating artists 

- The possibility to participate in a public programme hosted by Amsterdam Art Week organised by the artists themselves in support of the academy (this is not mandatory) 

- Artists may also offer the displayed woks for sale. Please note, if you sell an artwork during Amsterdam Art Week the proceeds are 100% yours. 

What the artists need to arrange themselves and what we expect from you 

- The (selected) artwork 

- Required equipment 

- Transport to and from the academy 

- Artists are themselves responsible for the construction and dismantling of their work at the designated location 

- It is expected that the artists will provide material (images, information) for use in the PR campaign prior to the exhibition 

- You are responsible for the potential sales of the work 

- Please keep in mind the artists do not have to be always present during Amsterdam Art Week but the more often, the better. 

Additional information on the artwork 

- Since the rooftop is outside, the artwork that will be presented should be weatherproof, especially windproof 

- Specific, vulnerable artworks should be secured and attached to the roof. The artist and academy can search for a fitting way together 

- Display possibilities, such as walls and pedestals to support your work will not be possible to provide, those solutions should be either inherently part of the work, or considered thoroughly yourself. 

- The use of electricity on the roof is possible 

- For instance, performances could work well within the public programmes of Amsterdam Art Week, or works that are meant to be presented outdoors. Applications that take into careful consideration the conditions and context of the exhibition are favoured.  

We would like to receive the following from you for your application: 

- General information about yourself (name, graduation year, department) 

- CV, max. 1 page 

- Portfolio, max 5 pages 

- We ask you to propose one work that you choose to present at the fair, please send us: 

- Image(s) of the artwork, max. 3 
- Title of the artwork you would like to present (Please do take in consideration the context of the presentation) 
- Description of the artwork 

- An estimation of the space (square meters) you would need and if you need something specifically to support or secure the work, especially focused on the outdoor context 

- An explanation about why you would like to participate in Amsterdam Art Week and what you expect to get out of it, max 500 words 

Selection commission 

After the deadline the selection committee will dive into all applications and select a group of approximately 15 alums. The selection committee consists of: 

- Tirza Kater (artist-curator, co-founder artist-run project space Marwan and coordinator of Rietveld Fine Arts) 

- Vere van Hal (project coordinator, Public & Projects, Rietveld Academie) 

Please note that there are no specific themes or criteria related to this Call for applications, since the entries together will be considered as a whole, questioning if they fit the profile, conditions and tone, together. 


6 March: Deadline Open Call 
14 March: Selection commission meets 
Before 19 March: All applicants are contacted 
20 March - 28 May: All selected artists prepare individually for their part 
20 March: Online meeting with all selected artists together with Tirza and Vere 
20 March: Deadline to deliver all artists names, titles of the works and possible public programme at Amsterdam Art 

28 May, 9.00-21.00h: Building up, all artists together with Tirza Kater and Vere van Hal
29 May, 9.00-15.00h: Building up, all artists together with Tirza Kater and Vere van Hal

29 May: Opening Amsterdam Art Week opening at Rijksakademie 
30 May: Amsterdam Art Week open to public 
31 May: Amsterdam Art Week open to public 
1 June: Amsterdam Art Week open to public 
2 June: Amsterdam Art Week open to public (still pending) 

3 June, 9.00-17.00h: Dismantling exhibition 


For any further information about practicalities, the content and/or selection, please contact  Vere van Hal of Rietveld Academie / Public & Projects via