Juwan Moon


Republic of Korea, 1998

Thesis: The moment when the familiar becomes unfamiliar

'What compels us to form these relationships? What drives us to fight? What motivates us to care?
I observed, contemplated, and objectified my personal experiences with conflict, trauma, absurdity, and obsession. I indirectly question my existence through visual language by pondering the causes of these painful emotions and experiences. Beyond understanding the criteria that trigger obsession, hatred, and resentment in me, I began to ask more fundamental questions.
These questions and reflections arise within everyone. Therefore, even though the motivation for my work is personal, the goal I aim to achieve is global. My work has the potential to embrace not only my conflicts but also conflicts between people, countries, and so on. My work does not provide solutions or answers. However, it is a simulation process where I recreate or adapt the subjects or phenomena I observe in the imaginary space I create. Through this, I have gained opportunities to understand life.
The simulations I create are not just artistic expressions; they are tools for transforming the perspective. They can allow viewers to step back and see their issues from a different, perhaps more enlightened, perspective.




Heads series

- Crash experiment with Ceramic heads

- Mimicking

- Tug of war





- Crash experiment with Ceramic heads





- Mimicking









- Tug of war













Self Portrait Sculptures









Pain Drawings