The Netherlands, 1973
A vase is a container. A container is an object for holding or transporting something. Transportation is the action of carrying or taking something from one place to another. A vase is a vase, a vase, a vessel.
Through ‘weak thought’ (hermeneutics) I have found the freedom to delve into the medium of painting, drawing and making objects (form, color and material). The works are no longer about personal themes and fascinations, or the process itself, but about the transportation of this particular process; my freedom becomes a freedom for the spectator. Nature and culture, purity and design, origin and destiny come together in a sophisticated installation of paintings and objects (Fremdkörper) and give rise to new ways of seeing, feeling and thinking.
Title: ‘Anders’zichten’ (Dutch)
The thesis comes from the fascination for the many different ways to look at life and to see life not merely as it is, but what it could be. ‘Anders’zichten’ juxtaposes three ways of seeing –patafysica, melancholy and nihilism and reveals their potential, which enables a sense of freedom to discover a new order of possibilities and connections.
Excerpt thesis ‘Anders’zichten’, p.79. (Dutch):
“De hermeneutiek is het filosofische middel van het zwakke denken. Het is immers de hermeneutiek die bij uitstek geschikt is om met meerduidigheid en meerzinnigheid om te gaan. Er is geen ahistorische, neutrale, transparante waarheid. Waarheid is een gebeuren. Waarheid realiseert zich in een dialoog, die de deelnemers verandert. Het is juist de hermeneutiek die nooit de definitieve waarheid bezit, maar in een voortdurende dialoog de wereld interpreteert en ontwerpt.” (Bas Hengstmengel, 2009)