During the Graduation Show the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee organise a public masterclass in online radio & podcasting.

The masterclass will be led by Arif Kornweitz, co-founder of Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee.

Participants will learn to produce items for online radio shows or podcasts that focus on the arts. These items may be of artistic nature, e.g. sound art or performance pieces — but may also be journalistic, e.g. interviews with artists or reviews of artworks.

Attention is payed to ways of translating visual disciplines to audio — and why, preparing and structuring items for a radio show/podcast, how to set up a radio station or podcast, and recording and editing audio.

Participants are asked to bring headphones, a laptop and a recording device (for example a smartphone).

The masterclass takes place on Thursday, July 6.



9.30 Introduction & developing of first ideas for an item
10.30 Recording
12.30 Group meeting: first impressions
13.00 Lunch
13.45 Editing & extra recording sessions
16.00 Group meeting: listening to the items, feedback
17:45 End

A broadcast of the items produced by the participants will take place on Saturday, July 8 at 3 pm.

Costs (including lunch): €40, €30 for students

Apply June 27 the latest by sending a mail to buro@rietveldacademie.nl, with your name and phone number. Ten participants can enrol, the enrolment is in order of application.