Welcome to the Dutch Funds page. Here we collected information about all Dutch funds available to the cultural sector.
You can choose between Last Year to Apply, Most Common Funds, Loans, and All. Applying for funds can be stressful, exhausting and at times might feel impersonal. To help you get started, we asked the community of peers and friends working in the cultural sector to share their knowledge and experience of applying for funding. You can find their answers in Most Common Funds.
Please note that all answers are subjective. Keep in mind that every artistic practice is a unique individual process and that everyone speaks from their own perspective.
To start with, we thought it would be a good idea to give you an idea of how cultural money is distributed in the Netherlands.
This infographic gives a good overview of how cultural subsidies have been distributed over the cultural sector between 2021 and 2024.
For example, we can see the difference in the available budget for the two most common funds:
Mondriaan Fonds (Mondrian Fund) received: 29.99 million
Het Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industrie received: 14.47 million