Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee discusses the report of the 2022 graduation show of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. The report is drafted by a committee that visits the show, and highlights tendencies and themes within the exhibition. A thesis comittee reviews student theses and also publishes its observations. The committees select a number of projects and theses by graduating students that support their observations.

You can read the report yourself here (pdf)


Lucía Vives (VAV – Moving Image)

Sharan Bala (Fine Arts)

Dasha Leo (Fine Arts)

Tomas Adolfs (Gerrit Rietveld Academy)

Clara Amaral (Thesis Comittee member)

Uta Eisenreich (artist and Basic Year teacher)


Hosted by Arif Kornweitz and Andrea González.